About Thyrocare Laboratories

Thyrocare has its Centralised Processing Laboratory (CPL) situated in Navi Mumbai. The samples from all over the country are flown to the CPL, where they are processed and reported online within couple of hours.

  • Barcoding & Bidirectional Interfacing
  • World Class Diagonistics Equipments and Systems in place
  • Laboratory Information System – Thyrosoft

Laboratory Automation

Our Central Processing Laboratory situated in Navi Mumbai is a state-of-art, fully automated diagnostic laboratory equipped with the most advanced instrumentation from leading international brands. With a minimum but highly qualified workforce, the laboratory is driven by barcoded and bi-directionally interfaced system and an intelligent laboratory information system (LIS).

Barcoding and bi-directional interfacing

At Thyrocare, we rely on efficient systems for smooth and error free processing of 25,000 samples that we receive each day. We are the first, and so far, the only diagnostic laboratory to have introduced barcoding system across our 25,000 collection points nationwide. Every sample is identified by the barcode on the vial. Through this system, the moment the vial is mounted on the automation instrument, it is automatically routed to the correct analyzer for processing and simultaneously output data is synchronized with the software to generate and upload the reports on the website, making the entire process fast and error free.


Thus, our systems ensure that right tests are done on the right specimen, and right results are delivered to the right people at the right time and right cost. Not only does barcoding ensure error-free reporting, it also helps in curtailing the time consumed or lost in pre-analytical procedures and offers a smooth, hassle free and efficient operation.


Best of the Global brands, Best of their instruments, Best of the technologies, Best of the reagents, Best of the procedures, Best of systems, Best of IT, when available to well trained and highly focused pathologists, biochemists, scientists and technologists, gives “Best of the Quality”.


The endeavor of Thyrocare has always been that to provide utmost quality in every stage of service – right from collection of sample to processing to delivery of reports. Our systems, processes, man-power and IT ensure the highest level of perfection and timely efficacy in each delivery.